Peuter 2 jaar praat nog niet
Peuter 2 jaar praat nog niet

However, the data also reveals that in 30% of all utterances speakers apply gender marking in multiple ways. The data includes omissions of the traditional Brabantish masculine gender marking, indicating that speakers are converging towards Standard Dutch. In this paper, we aim at describing and categorizing the various types of variation. Based on these data, we argue that there is a high level of heterogeneity when it comes to adnominal gender marking. The results of a quantitative analysis of written questionnaires (mainly filled out by elderly dialect speakers, N=700) triggered us to conduct a small in-depth study of speech data from adolescents in the Eindhoven region (N=15). This study delves into these variation patterns. Gender markers belong to the most salient features of North-Brabantish, but with a process of dialect levelling well on its way for at least fifty years, knowledge of lexical gender is fading away. the morphological marking of masculine, feminine and neuter lexical gender in the adnominal domain, in Brabantish dialects spoken in the southern Dutch province North-Brabant. The present paper discusses gender marking, i.e. Adolescents, even when coming from outside of the province of Brabant, have an obvious sense of belonging to Brabant, as signalled by their widespread use of the Brabantic regiolect. Accordingly, respondents generally had a positive attitude towards both Brabantic language varieties and the culture of Brabant. Many dialect items were unknown to our respondents, but regiolect items were reported to be widely used, even by respondents who claimed to be using Standard Dutch exclusively. Analyses of the data suggest that Standard Dutch is the preferred variety in every domain of language use, but a substantial number of respondents reported to be able to speak regiolect or dialect. For analyses, respondents have been divided in three age groups, three education groups and two language groups.

#Peuter 2 jaar praat nog niet professional#

The age varied from 12 to 18, education ranged from VMBO (lower secondary professional education) to VWO (pre university education) and all respondents lived in either Eindhoven or surrounding places, defining the urbanized area of Eindhoven. Data of 259 respondents have been gathered.

peuter 2 jaar praat nog niet peuter 2 jaar praat nog niet

The basic research hypothesis of this study is that respondents report regiolect use more often than dialect use.

peuter 2 jaar praat nog niet

Regiolects tend to emerge and take over the functions of dialects in large parts of Europe, including the Netherlands, especially in urbanized areas. A survey of dialect and regiolect use by adolescents in the Eindhoven area This study is a survey of dialect use, accent strength, knowledge and use of lexical dialect items, and attitude among adolescents in the Eindhoven area, an urbanized area in the Dutch province of North-Brabant.

Peuter 2 jaar praat nog niet